TO PLAY WITH A RAINBOW is a fantasy story that revolves around Kittu, his mom and a new colourful friend. Kittu is a four-year-old boy who lives in his village surrounded by his farm animals, trees, fields, relatives and friends. His village, Lalgudi, is in Tamil Nadu, India.
He is a lively boy who knows to keep himself busy and active throughout the day without disturbing his mom. He will try his best to make his day as interesting as possible but soon, will end up in parents scolding. He mostly plays in and around his house being in sight of his mom. He enjoys going to school. In the evening, he spends most of his time with his friends and at night, with his father. As this is his usual routine, what’ll happen when he is unable to do all those things on one remarkable day? On that not-so-fine day, he wants to befriend a rainbow. For that he sets on a short* journey, alone.
Was he able to befriend the rainbow? What happened to him on that magical day? You’ll know it, when you start to flip and read. And an important note from the author “Don’t run after a rainbow!”
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