Celebrate this Diwali with Ramayana
0Ramayana is the most important epic of ancient India. The bold, bright colors of this Indian Classical epic can depicts the freshness of each tale in the book has been written in a very lucid language accompanied by with eye-catching coloured illustration that adds to its beauty manifold.
Celebrate this Janmashtami with Krishna
0Lord Krishna was born to dispel evil on the earth and spread the message of love and brotherhood among us.
0God Vishnu is one of the three main gods (Trimurti) of Hinduism, along with Shiva and Brahma.
Ganapathi Bappa Morya
0The elephant headed deva (God) – Ganesh is lovingly worshipped and revered by millions of people worldwide.
Mahabharatha for Children
0An epic by definition is a long and exciting recounting of the deeds of a legendary or historical hero and by that definition The Mahabharata is most certainly one.
Vetrivel Muruganuku Arogara
0Muruga, also known as Subramanya, Karthikeya, Shanmuga or Skanda, is the son of Lord Shiva and his consort, Goddess Parvati.