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Rumpum who is God

Author: Dinesh kumar
SKU: Wakeupbooks-01

Original price was: ₹524.00.Current price is: ₹499.00.

Rumpum explains intricate concepts about God in a way that Aaru and kids of his age can understand.


Rumpum – the rotund, pot-bellied, literally elephantine – Figuratively fatherly, friendly, paternal and pedagogical Figure – accompanies Aaru in all his adventures. Aaru takes Rumpum or Rumpum takes Aaru over the hills, inside the caves, under the water or above the clouds for exciting expeditions that children love.

Rumpum explains intricate concepts about God in a way that Aaru and kids of his age can understand.

Rumpum gives Aaru and all the readers valuable lessons of life helping kids attain a certain level of wisdom, pertinent to their age. Finally, Rumpum is a character that will elicit laughter, joy, humour, thought, fun, frolic, happiness, cheer and wisdom.